Is living alone freedom? Not always...
As noted in a recent ”Luxemburger Wort” article, 70'000 people were living alone in Luxembourg in 2011. Since this trend is growing exponentially, there must be many more by now. This means that over one third of homes, either houses or apartments, are occupied by a single person. Wow!
The article points out many challenges that one is faced with when living alone. Amongst these are the higher costs of living, since they are not split between two or more family members, perhaps loneliness for some, unless they have friends around, and finally: shopping! What?
As other major studies have pointed out, people who live alone tend to shop more. Where? Online! Clothes, gadgets, books, films, games are among the best-sellers. While the click & collect concept is also booming, what about all those customers who wish to have their purchases delivered to their doorstep?
More and more offices are banning the reception of private parcels at the workplace, a practice that has become a challenge for many HR departments. So what are the options for online shoppers who are not at home to receive their parcels? Some will ask a neighbour to step in from time to time, and that's fine.
But if it is true flexibility and comfort you are looking for, then a service like BPM will change your life. We receive your parcels in 6 countries, and if you live in Luxembourg, you can them pick them up in your ”BPM Parcel-Station”.
Basically, BPM Parcel-Stations are parcel lockers located throughout Luxembourg at supermarkets or gas stations, accessible 24/7. This way, BPM customers can stop by such a Pick Up Station on their way home after work, after having received a parcel delivery notification by email or SMS.
Customers in other countries can have their purchases forwarded to them, anywhere in the world. This is true freedom, whether you live alone or not. Happy shopping!